The 52: Develop a Strategy, Then Pick the Tactic

Week 10

Develop a Strategy, Then Pick the Tactic

Back in December, I was asked to contribute to a survey of marketing professionals in the financial services industry as to which activities were the most important to a firm’s growth. I struggled to answer this survey because my answer for each was “It depends on the target market and the strategy.” For example, the fifth highest-rated activity in the survey was “local search.” But if you focus on a national niche such as employees of United Airlines, local search is not important at all.

Instead of trying to decide which tactic is “best,” clearly define your target market, go where they are, educate them on what they are interested in, and then reach them through channels they want to be communicated through. If you follow this formula, then the activities you choose will be the most important for your firm’s growth.

P.S. Our next Niche Starter Kit begins March 26. Take the first step by enrolling in our free Select a Niche course.